As a case study on avenue Champs Elys é es, a real-time, rule-based, reactive arterial bus signal priority algorithm is put forward. 以巴黎香榭丽舍大街为应用背景,提出了一种实时、基于规则、反应式的交通走廊公交信号优先算法。
When the board splits, the members are placed in two new boards based upon the mechanism of top to bottom, left to right priority algorithm. 当分裂的董事会,其成员被置于两个新的执行局根据机制从上到下,从左到右优先算法。
Disk scheduling, priority scheduling algorithm with the shortest seek time and scanning algorithms. 磁盘调度算法,有最短寻道时间优先调度算法和扫描算法。
Emulation experiment shows that hierarchy resource searching algorithm is good at Gossip and congregation priority algorithm in network cost, searching result satisfaction and responding time. Hereinto network cost is 80% and 70% lower compared to Gossip and congregation priority algorithm respectively. 仿真实验表明两级资源查询算法在网络开销、查寻结果满意度、响应时间方面均要优于Gossip算法和聚集度优先算法,其中网络开销分别较Gossip算法和聚集度优先算法减少了80%和70%。
The threshold based dual-level priority algorithm integrates preemptive scheduling and non-preemptive scheduling. The schedulability of jobs can be improved by the algorithm, and the system overhead introduced by preemption can be reduced, too. 基于阈值的双优先级调度算法结合了抢占式与非抢占式调度算法的优点,可以提高任务集的调度成功率,并减少由于任务切换引起的系统开销。
In real-time applications, standard CAN protocol uses static priority algorithm. It gives a low schedulable utilization. 在实时应用中,标准的CAN协议使用静态优先级算法,对传输信道的利用率比较低。
Automatic Calibration of Portable Test Instrument Based on Fixed Priority Algorithm 基于固定优先级算法的便携式检定仪自动校准
Since the real time task sets in control system consist of hard real time periodic tasks and soft real time period tasks, the dual priority algorithm is adopted for scheduling these tasks. 根据控制系统中存在强实时周期任务和软实时周期任务的特点,采用双优先级算法进行任务调度。
The FCFS with priority algorithm; 支持优先级的FCFS算法的研究;
In order to solve the problems of static tasks scheduling for simulation over the Grids, a novel interaction priority algorithm based scheduling strategy for entity level tasks was proposed. 为了解决网格仿真中的静态任务调度问题,提出一种创新的基于交互优先算法的实体调度策略。
To solve the problem of static tasks scheduling in Grid-based distributed simulation, this thesis proposes a entities partitioning strategy based on interaction priority algorithm. 提出了针对分布式仿真任务的基于交互优先算法的实体调度策略。
To consider multi-PDA accessing server for synchronizing, the thesis proposes a priority algorithm based on cache weighting. 考虑到多个PDA访问服务器请求同步,提出了基于缓存权数的优先级算法。
To study the dynamic priority algorithm on CAN-bus, a mixed traffic scheduler ( MTS) based on exponential assignment was proposed. It gives attention to both hard and soft realtime messages. 对基于CAN总线通信的动态优先级调度算法进行研究后,提出了一种基于指数分配方式的MTS算法,在保证强实时性消息的同时兼顾了低优先级消息的公平性。
Study on Audio Priority Algorithm Based on Real-time Multimedia Application 基于多媒体实时业务音频优先算法的研究
The basic principle of PCI bus arbitration and the characteristic of CPLD/ FPGA are described. The design of PCI arbiter based on circular priority algorithm is realized with Verilog HDL. The simulation result is given. 介绍了PCI仲裁的原理,在此基础上描述了基于CPLD/FPGA的一种具有循环优先级通用的PCI仲裁器设计方案,并采用Verilog硬件描述语言设计实现,给出了仿真结果。
Directed graph partitioning is constitutive of partitioning directed graph, priority algorithm of directed graph nodes and parallel sweep algorithm. 有向图并行计算可分解为三个部分,有向图剖分算法、结点的优先级算法和基于有向图剖分算法和结点优先级算法的扫描并行算法。
Interaction Priority Algorithm Based Entities Static Scheduling Strategy for Simulation over the Grids 基于交互优先算法的网格仿真实体静态调度策略
On-line optimization of priority algorithm paralleling with SQP in the production of ion-exchange membrane caustic soda SQP并行优化算法在离子膜烧碱生产中的在线优化
The Implementation of Packet Circular Priority Algorithm on PCI PCI总线分组循环仲裁算法的实现
According to the requirement and characteristic of the real control system, messages which are transferred in the six degree of freedom system are scheduled with the fixed priority algorithm. 针对系统控制实时性的要求及特点,对6自由度平台系统的消息进行调度。
By introducing dynamic priority algorithm from real-time system, the problem of live-lock meeting in middleware developing process can be solved effectively. 通过引入实时系统的动态优先级算法,可以有效的解决中间件开发过程中遇到的活锁的问题。
The bottleneck resources are identified by the calculation of the real-time capacities of resources. A task priority algorithm is proposed to make the sequence of tasks in the bottleneck resources. 通过计算实时资源能力,识别出瓶颈资源,设置了基于任务优先级的瓶颈资源任务优先级排序算法。
Including the movement of priority algorithms and split the priority algorithm. 包括运动优先的算法和分割优先的算法。
This dissertation also proposed a QoS performance priority algorithm for QoS priority control strategy. 还提出了一种适用于QoS优先级控制策略的QoS性能优先算法。
Compared with earliest deadline first and fixed priority algorithm, experiment results show that the algorithm achieves higher performance. 实验结果表明,该算法与最早截止期优先和固定优先级算法相比具有更好的性能。
It makes great strides forward to the artificial intelligence and semantic Web in the page priority algorithm. 它在网页优先级算法上向人工智能和语义Web又迈进了一步。
In the process of designing the priority algorithm, the paper separates the priority algorithm into three different modules as structure priority, component priority and character priority by considering the complexity of Tibetan language and needs of Tibetan sorting. 在设计优先级算法过程中,考虑到藏文的复杂性和藏文排序的需要,又将优先级算法分为结构优先级、构件优先级和字符优先级三个模块。
Priority algorithm is used in computer automatic arranging course module. 在自动排课子模块中,使用了基于优先级的排课算法。
After studying the course scheduling algorithm at home and abroad, it put forth an artificial simulation course scheduling algorithm which combined priority algorithm with backtracking algorithm. 论文通过对排课问题、国内外研究状况和相关知识的分析,对国内外排课算法进行研究的基础上,提出了一种将优先级与回溯算法相结合的模拟人工排课算法。
Due to current complicated IVR menu system, traditional optimization methods are not available. Probability priority algorithm is introduced to optimize and construct the IVR menu layer by layer. 由于现在的IVR菜单系统庞大,传统的优化方法效率低下,本文应用概率优先算法来进行IVR优化配置。此方法采用逐层优化的策略,快速而有效。